June 28, 2024
Career Advice

The Simple Communication Techniques That Will Make You a Better Facilities Manager

June 28, 2024
Career Advice
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Communication is essential in every relationship. For facilities managers, who rely on strong relationships to ensure smooth operations and satisfied clients, effective communication is crucial. However, many managers overestimate their communication skills, thinking it's just about being able to talk or handle difficult conversations. In reality, it's about influencing and motivating people through your words and actions.

Effective Communication Delivers Results

It's one thing to acknowledge the importance of communication; it's another to recognise its tangible impact on your buildings performance. Facilities managers who communicate well see significant benefits:

• Reduced Employee Turnover: Effective communicators are 50% more likely to retain their staff.

• Increased Productivity: Clear communication can boost productivity by up to 25%.

• Better Organisational Performance: Companies with strong communication practices outperform their peers by 3.5 times.

Despite these benefits, many managers struggle with communication. According to HBR, 69% of managers are uncomfortable communicating with their employees, and only 17% of employees feel their managers communicate effectively. Improving communication skills is essential for any facilities manager aiming to enhance their team's performance and satisfaction.

Simple But Effective Communication Techniques

Being an effective communicator is challenging, but several straightforward techniques can help you improve.

1. Constantly Listen and Observe

The most effective communication isn't just about talking—it's about listening and observing. To understand and inspire your team, you need to replace judgment with attentiveness. Listening actively to your employees allows you to gauge their needs and concerns better.

A key distinction to remember is:

• Hearing is with your ears; listening is with your mind.

Be intentional in your interactions, ensuring you're fully present. This attentiveness will help you connect with your team on a deeper level and address their needs more effectively.

2. Be the "CRO" (Chief Repetition Officer)

Effective communication often involves repetition. As a facilities manager, you need to embrace the role of Chief Repetition Officer. This means being willing to repeat important messages in various ways to ensure they resonate with your team.

The key to impactful communication lies in:

• Using meaningful words and positive body language, infused with passion and emotion.

Your team is bombarded with information daily. By creatively and persistently reinforcing essential messages, you can ensure they understand and act on them.

3. Remind Them of the Reason

Everyone wants to feel their work has purpose. A common communication mistake is neglecting to explain the "why" behind your instructions. Instead of merely giving orders, always provide the rationale.

In other words:

• Constantly remind your team of the deeper reason behind their work.

Being clear about your team’s purpose and the significance of their tasks helps them stay motivated, especially during challenging times. When employees understand the bigger picture, they're more likely to remain committed and driven.


Becoming a better communicator is a lifelong journey. There will be moments when your words hit the mark and others when you struggle to find the right thing to say. Progress comes from recognising the impact of your communication and continually striving to improve both its quantity and quality.

As a facilities manager, your ability to communicate effectively will directly influence your team’s performance and your buildings success. Embrace these techniques to build stronger relationships and drive better outcomes in your daily operations.