February 1, 2024
Career Advice

How to Reignite your Motivation at Work

February 1, 2024
Career Advice
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For many people, the start of a new year can be quite the challenge, especially when it comes to work motivation. We recently asked our professional network about their motivation levels throughout January and the results were quite a mixed bag (55% Very Motivated/Motivated; 45% Very Unmotivated/Unmotivated).

Motivation can be a fickle companion, often disappearing when we need it the most. On some days, creativity flows effortlessly, while on others, staring at a blank screen becomes an agonising task. However, overcoming such motivational slumps is not an insurmountable challenge. By incorporating practical strategies, individuals can design their goals, find effective rewards, and cultivate a positive work environment to boost motivation.

Design Goals, Not Chores:

Research highlights the significance of goal-setting. Specific objectives, rather than vague ambitions, enhance motivation. Goals should trigger intrinsic motivation, driven by the inherent satisfaction of the task itself. Concrete, measurable targets, such as acquiring a certain number of customers per month, prove more effective than abstract aspirations.

Find Effective Rewards:

External motivators can be valuable, especially for onerous tasks. However, it is crucial to align rewards with the desired outcome and avoid perverse incentives. Quality of performance should take precedence over quantity. Additionally, choose rewards that do not undermine the achieved goal, ensuring sustained progress.

Consider Your Work in Context:

Even dream jobs come with challenges. Reflecting on past efforts to reach the current position can provide perspective. Crushing current objectives can pave the way for future success, turning momentary frustrations into stepping stones.

Break Overwhelming Tasks into Smaller Pieces:

Daunting projects become more manageable when broken into smaller, actionable steps. This approach promotes a sense of accomplishment as items are checked off, fostering motivation and momentum.

Schedule Weekly Check-Ins With Your Manager:

Regular communication with your manager can help address issues of boredom or dissatisfaction. Establishing a weekly check-in provides a structured opportunity to voice concerns, make plans, and seek feedback. This proactive approach can lead to a more engaging and fulfilling work experience.

Practice Gratitude:

Acknowledging the positive aspects of your job, company, and colleagues can shift your perspective. Practicing gratitude is linked to reduced stress, increased positivity, and enhanced goal-setting. Share positive feedback and encouragement to create a more uplifting workplace.

Surround Yourself With Motivated People:

The influence of colleagues is powerful. Avoid negativity by challenging it with positivity. Engage with motivated coworkers, collaborate on projects, and foster inter-team collaboration. Positive energy is contagious and can contribute to a more vibrant work environment.