April 2, 2015

Preparing for an Interview in Facilities Management

April 2, 2015
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When you are preparing for an interview in Facilities Management, the more you prepare, the more relaxed you will be and the better chance you will have of getting the job, so make sure you know your stuff prior to attending the interview

The Journey

The first thing you should do after you are invited for interview is to find out exactly where to go. There are lots of online resources which can help to plan journey’s, such as google maps. If you can drive there, it might be worth doing a dummy run, the day before the interview. If you need to use public transport, make sure you leave yourself plenty of time. Ideally, you want to be at reception about 15 minutes prior to the interview commencing.

Research the Company

Believe it or not, many interviewees turn up to interviews without knowing anything about the company and this is a really bad impression to make. If it was your company and you were interviewing, how would you feel if the person you were interviewing knew nothing about your business?

You don’t need to spend days researching the company but at least one hour to find out exactly what they do, their values and where their offices are. You may also want to use sources as LinkedIn to find out more about the people who are interviewing you.

Check the Spec

You may have applied for hundreds of jobs and are not quite sure what the job entails, so either dig out the job spec or ask the company if they can re-send it to you. It is better to know exactly what you will be doing, otherwise it will be difficult to prepare.

Compare your skills with the job spec and be prepared to provide examples to back up your claims. The more detail you can provide, the more likely you will be to get the job. Always prepare for a competency based interview, even if you have been told otherwise.

Look Good

The night before your interview, make sure you have picked out smart clothes and have them ironed and ready. Your shoes should be cleaned and you should be as professional looking as possible.

This will be the first thing the interviewees will notice and it will leave a lasting impression.

Make Eye Contact

Even if you are nervous, ensure you look at the interviewers when they are talking to you. Eye contact shows you are engaged with what the other person is saying.

Remember, it’s only an hour out of your life so even if you are going out your comfort zone, it may pay off in the end.

Show Confidence

It is your time to shine and if you have done your research, you should be at your most confident. Show the interviewers that you know what you’re doing and where your career is going and are confident in your own abilities to do the job.